Photo Restoration Services
Basic Retouching
Basic Retouching involves options to remove or add elements into an image using digital software. It uses photo manipulation to enhance, recreate the original photo. Removing pimples, scars spots Skin smoothing Correcting colours Removing rips and tears Enhancements and resizing

Advanced Retouching
Advanced Retouching takes more time to process but, offers more flexible optionsand more comprehensive retouches including: Removing blemishes Correcting colours Adjusting contrast Whitening teeth Removing stray objects Red eye removal. removing scratches or tears on non vital parts of the photo.
Extensive Retouching
Extensive Retouching is used when an image requires lots of corrections. it involves making changes to every aspect of the picture. This includes background adjustments. This process can take a longer time to complete. It includes the following: Restoring old and damaged photos. Correcting colour and gamma. composing images. Adding or removing a person or item. Extensive Fading. Mould or water damage. Tears accross important features. Heavy discolouration. Please be aware it is not always possible to restore a very blurred image into a sharp image,

Special Effects
There are hundreds of special effects available from moving a group of people or items from one location to another. changing backgrounds and forgrounds to something completely different. Stretching and slimming items or people. Please call me or eMail me your requirements. There maybe a special photo you have but, arent happy about something. Contact me and I will make some suggestions. Opening eyes, moving eyes to look in a different direction.