Photo Basic Retouching

Basic Retouching

Basic Retouching involves options to remove or add elements into an image using digital software. It uses photo manipulation to enhance, recreate the original photo. Removing pimples, scars, spots, skin smoothing, correcting colours, removing rips and tears over non vital areas, enhancements and resizing.

Here we have a photo where the actual chemical have started to eat through the photo. This was a matter of finding a good area and merging it into the sand. Then enhancing the whole photo.

A customer wanted me to update this photo and add colour. This took some time and I added a bit of green bottom left for some lycen/moss.

This was an early photo of my parents. Needed the tear sorting out. It wasnt in a critical position so was easy to do. I then applied some colour and sky to photo.

This was an early black and white photo with various creases and scratches. I enhanced the photo and filled in all the lines


This was me over 60 years ago. A very emotional photo which was enhanced with some colour.