Services - Extensive Retouching

Extensive Retouching

Extensive Retouching is used when an image requires lots of corrections. It involves making changes to every aspect of the picture. This includes background adjustments. this process can take a longer time to complete. It includes the following: Restoring oldand damaged photos Correcting colour and gamma Composing images Adding or removing a person or item. Extensive Fading. Mould or water damage. Tears accross important features. Heavy discolouration.Please be aware that it is not always possible to restore a very blurred image into a sharp image.

This pho is over 100 years old and needed a lot of rebuilding to get rid of the scratches and folds. The beer bottle needed reconstructing again and then it was sympathetically coloured.

This is my mother taken 83 years ago. There was a lot of reconstruction needed on her face and a lot of creases needed filling in.

Another picture of my MUm over 80 years ago. Lots ofrecreating her face and leg. also lots of lines on the photo needed filling. Finally finished off being coloured.

Here is another old picture of my Mum. Lots of fading in the photo but no serious ones over her face. Enhanced photo filled in all the cracks and filled in the edges to make the photo complete.

This is arecent customer job. They found the photo in an old desk and wanted it to be worked on. First of all I had to enhance the photo thaen remove the pink stain. I then had to rebuild the jaw of the young girl and the forhead of the father. Removed all the cracks andrebuild the background and finally coloured.